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Life Lessons: Halloween Don'ts

Don’t leave buying candy to the day of…all shelves were completely cleared…only full-sized packages of Reese’s available at our store…

Don’t wait until people are already out trick or treating to head to the store to buy candy…I was pulling into the driveway as a family was at our front door. My husband was rummaging for gum to give to the kids as I yelled out the car window to the parents to tell them I would be right there with treats! True story.

Don’t let your kids arrange the candy bowl…our son didn’t want us to give away the full-sized Reese’s, so he hid them under NutriGrain bars…

Don’t let your kids open a large candy bag before any trick or treaters have arrived…Thip told her family not to open the candy bag until people arrived, but her son didn’t want anyone to have to wait too long when they arrived, so he opened it. Well, no one came! So, now she and her husband are eating all of the candy!