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It all started when…

While celebrating our friend’s 50th birthday on a fabulous girls’ trip to Miami, we realized we could infuse fun into work by starting a venture together.  We decided we should discuss over lunch, then continue the discussion while walking, then lunch again…before we knew it, we were meeting for lunch each week brainstorming business ideas.  The lunch preparation started to become part of the fun.  Then, one day, Thip and Stacey met to walk before our lunch (the meeting before the meeting).  The idea of a blog of our brainstorming and business ideas was formed, unbeknownst to Candice who was hosting lunch that day.  When Stacey and Thip arrived at Candice’s, they started taking pictures of the meal, of the kitchen, and of Candice, who had not managed to shower that day.  Somehow, she liked the idea and even approved of the use of the photos. Now, we continue to meet at least weekly to brainstorm our blog, discuss other business ideas, and share the good, the bad, and the fun of our lives.  What’s on the menu today?  Join us.

Our “menu” includes:

family – kids, husbands, aging parents, siblings

food – cooking, restaurants, entertaining

travel – as much as possible both local and abroad

work -  expertise & aspirations

fun – experiences, stories & ideas

friends – the ppl who help us keep going and laugh with us along the way…

Menu4Living is our way of sharing our experiences in hopes of helping others through life’s journey.  We feature tips, insider information, and lessons learned whenever possible to make your journey more enjoyable.

More about us…