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Menu4Living is our way of savoring life’s experiences and learning from the journey.

Life with Dogs:   Wildlife Encounter

Life with Dogs: Wildlife Encounter

I took the dogs with me in the car to pick up my son from school.  When we were back on our street, I rolled the back window all the way down for them, so they could get some extra fresh air like they enjoy.  Right before we got to the house, I saw a very large bird circling overhead.  I was asking my son if he thought it might be a hawk as we pulled into the driveway.  Next thing I knew, it had landed on our front yard. 

I looked out the car window and realized it wasn’t a hawk, but a vulture.  Within a millisecond, the dogs saw it too and realized a creature had just invaded our territory! I tried to roll up the back window, but I was too late.  One of our dogs jumped out the window and started running and barking.  She chased the vulture across the street and a few houses down.  Luckily, my son was able to get her back, which usually isn’t an easy feat.  

It was then that we realized there is a dead rabbit in our front yard.  Hence, the vulture.  The vulture, which I believe is a turkey vulture, settled atop our roof and waited patiently until we cleared the area.  He is now feasting on the rabbit as the dogs bark incessantly from inside.  What are the chances on our impeccable timing for arriving home?

Life Lessons:  Halloween Don'ts

Life Lessons: Halloween Don'ts

Pandemic Silver Lining:  Swimming

Pandemic Silver Lining: Swimming