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Menu4Living is our way of savoring life’s experiences and learning from the journey.

Savoring Quality Family Time

Savoring Quality Family Time

We just enjoyed several days of quality family time with my mother and her husband, Grandma and Grandpa, and it was simply beautiful. 

First, the dogs provided them with an animated, warm welcome as they pulled into the driveway. They are “people” dogs and they’ve really missed other people visiting – especially people coming to stay awhile.  Then, we each were able to embrace them as they entered our home for the first time in more than a year.  We all wore masks for our initial encounters and air fist bumps were still acceptable greetings as we navigate the new guidance and varying comfort levels for vaccinated grandparents visiting unvaccinated grandchildren. 

Once they got settled, we got to really see each other and be together – face-to-face, in person.  The grandparents were able to see how much their grandchildren have grown physically - and maturity-wise - as we chatted, exchanged stories, and caught up.  We ordered dinner from our favorite Italian restaurant from which we order every Thanksgiving week when we typically host a houseful.  We played Liverpool – a favorite group card game of the grandparents, yet one they have not been able to play this whole time because it requires at least 4 players. 

The next day, my mother prepared our favorite family dish – arroz con pollo.  She handled it like a cooking class, providing instructions and tips as she worked.  Grandpa, a former butcher, demonstrated how to sharpen a knife, which we videotaped.  We got to see my mother’s healing arm to reassure us she is on the road to recovery from a bad fall she experienced several weeks ago.  She was also able to go shopping at some of her favorite stores in town, a favorite pastime when she visits us.

A face-to-face visit was special as is, but we had two additional events that made this visit even more special:  it was our youngest’s 13th birthday and we got to show the grandparents our home in Vermont, which they had never had the opportunity to visit. 

The birthday celebration was highlighted by team preparation of birthday dinner, like our traditional family gatherings.  Grandma brought the delicious homemade cake and made her famous potato salad, both of which making the meal even more special.  We were able to share our Vermont home with them and show them some of the area by car.  As an added benefit, they got to enjoy “authentic” Vermont because we got an April snowfall.  Hopefully, they will get to visit again this summer to gain a different perspective of the beauty and tranquility of Vermont.

After the year we’ve all had, this visit was one of my favorite family get togethers of all time.  It wasn’t as large as we are used to, and certainly not as jam-packed or high-energy.  Of course, we still long for the time our entire family can gather together, and we will revel in the chaos when that time comes.  For now, though, I am treasuring the visit we just shared with the grandparents. I am appreciating the spontaneous interactions that can only arise when you are really present with each other.  As Grandpa mentioned after the visit, ”…watching the kids when they don’t know you are watching – just seeing them in their element,” is something that can only happen when you are together.  And, the stories and conversations that transpire during an in-person visit, simply cannot be replicated online.  So, for this simple, sweet visit, I am truly grateful.  May we all have more quality family time with our extended families in the coming months.

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