Northern Sun Mercantile: A Sweet Stop
Northern Sun Mercantile is a relatively new shop near Stratton, VT. We were surprised when it opened because it appeared to be another small market in the midst of several other small markets and convenience stores in the area and we weren’t sure how it would build up business. Well, turns out Northern Sun is a cute, specialty store featuring Vermont made food items and products and the perfect place to find Vermont-made gift items.
We were lucky enough to stop in and find products for several different “taste of Vermont” themed baskets to gift to family and friends this year. The items are pricey, but these are gifts we are talking about and you are a generous person. So, when you head up to Stratton, be sure to make a quick stop at Northern Sun to bring home some quality Vermont treats to share with your friends who watched your kids or your pets or your house for you while you were gone. You will be thankful you did – and so will your friends!