Tips for Working From Home
With many people having to switch to working from home overnight, we wanted to share our favorite work-from-home tips. And, later today we will post some truly hilarious faux pas!
1. Set up a workspace where you can be productive. For most, this will mean a place where you will not be disturbed every other minute by one of your loving family members (perhaps a separate room or in your bedroom). We know others, though, who like to be in the middle of the hustle and bustle (kitchen, dining room). If you have a laptop, you can test out which locations work for you best. I like to move around throughout the day myself.
2. Make it clear when you cannot be disturbed: announcement to all family members; closed door; sign on door; specific hours of the day…
3. Download necessary software for accomplishing your work tasks.
4. Check your workspace for the best video angles/line of sight for virtual meetings.
5. Set-up your phone charger, headphones, power strip, and other accessories you will need throughout the day.
6. Find the mute buttons on your phone, your computer, and your video conferencing software and remember to use them!
7. Set yourself up with much needed beverages (water, coffee, tea) and snacks!
8. Think about other items you need to have around you regularly, like tissues, chapstick, hand lotion and set them up at your work station, so you will have them when you need them.
9. Be sure to take breaks throughout the day. Stretch, meditate, walk the dog, play a board game or read to your kids.
10. Taking care of quick household tasks can also help make your day run more smoothly. Throw in a load of laundry, empty the dishwasher, start prepping dinner throughout the day…
Here’s to productivity!